DIS is starting the journey of growth from 2013. The school will build strong,free,confident individuals to serve out socety and nation. from a humble beginning in 2013 DIS will go a long way. The hard work,dedication enthusiasm,commitment and Quality will shape our present and fututre well. Meanwhile the student never forget the motto of the school "Achieving Excellence with D.I.S".
School is providing a complete support to implement a joyful,value-driven and academically rigorous program at all levels based on new and more powerful principles. This builds motivation in each child and creates a feeling of "I can" School is maximizing every child's potential through study process and scientifically designed study material."
In the present scenario the school's underlying motto has emerged to be excellence in Quality of education through individual and personal attention on each child. It is this deep relationship between the teacher and the child that we envisage as the harbinger of out growth.